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Who Are We?
We are a small group of people who obeyed Jesus' commands and were added to His church. Our aim is to help people rise above their condition, to point people in the direction of true happiness, and to give people real hope of going home with Jesus.
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Are You Saved?
How do we make sure that we are among the few who are saved and not among the many who are lost (Matthew 7:13-14)? Click Here
The Truth Of The Lord
Many people as 2 Timothy 3:7 says are "Always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." Why aren’t they able to come to a knowledge of the truth?
Salvation without truth is not salvation. |
What Is The
What must a person do to be saved? Seems like a fairly simple question but when you look at how many different ways there are to be saved, the issue becomes complicated.
But God has the answers. Find Out Here |
Friends in Luke 23:42-43, records that while Jesus was on the cross between two thieves, one of the thieves requested of Jesus that he would remember him and Jesus said, “Truly I say unto you thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Continue Reading
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Our number one priority in this life must be to go to Heaven. Nothing else is as important. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Read More
Loris Church of Christ
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